Privates and Semi Privates


A program built around you

  • Injury Prevention

  • Rehabilitation

  • Stress Reduction

  • Strength Building

  • Improve Posture

  • Improve Flexibility

This is a 55 minute session with a focus on helping you achieve your personal or athletic goal in either a  small group of no more than 4 or a private 1:1. You will have more time to concentrate on your stretching, or strengthening with extra guidance towards what your body needs.  We work around what you can do; this class is perfect if you are recovering from injury or simply require a little extra attention.  A variety of apparatus and props may be used to assist in improving your movement ability.  You will feel realigned and elongated, that supports a reduction in stress throughout. For more information on booking your first three appointments and pricing options, please email so we can answer all your questions or give you a call back.


Privates Sessions vs Group class

Have you just built up the courage to book your first class, but not sure where to start? The archaic machines can be very daunting when you first arrive. Sometimes a few privates are all you need to settle you in and make you feel a little more comfortable in a larger group class.