Private Sessions vs Group Classes
Michelle guiding David through spinal articulation on the tower
Have you just built up the courage to book your first class, but not sure where to start?
The archaic machines can be very daunting when you first arrive. Sometimes a few privates are all you need to settle you in and make you feel a little more comfortable in a larger group class. Maybe you’ve been in group classes for a while and feel like you are not sure if you’re not doing ‘IT’ right? If you’re seeking a little more information or just a few hints on how to do what you’re doing better, fear not! We are here to help.
As teachers teaching a group class, we cannot possibly make every correction unique to your needs with every exercise. You’re also in a group class to get an overall workout, right? So, with an effort to maintain the ‘flow’ of the class, some corrections are general in nature and spoken quickly to offer a little guidance, to help you to perform adjustments while you’re moving. (We all know Pilates teachers struggle to talk and count simultaneously!). Maybe you’ve been fortunate to have been corrected with tactile aid which your body responded well to? There’s more where that came from. We are teachers, not instructors. We want to provide you with an experience that you cannot find anywhere else but with us; one that will have you on the road to autonomously cueing in a dynamic manner, and feeling like you have regained the driver’s seat in your body again.
ENTER: Private Sessions. These are 55 minute classes with a sole focus on assisting you to achieve your personal goals in a one on one setting. Every minute is about you and for you, encouraging you to mindfully move, fully embracing the principles of the Pilates Method. We work around what you can do and guide you to progress with confidence. A variety of equipment and props are sometimes incorporated to aid you in your progressions. You know that roll up you find sticky? We have some tips to help you achieve that (which may not include the reformer at all!) You know how you hate planks? We can help you find the love for them through some simple, direct cues. As with all classes at Flow, there is an emphasis on technique, which will in turn aid a feeling of elongation, reducing your stress throughout, relieving your mind and your body.
Private sessions are perfect for those who are waiting for knee or hip surgery, to enhance recovery time. Likewise, Pilates can also keep the working limbs moving and trunk stable post-surgery.
Whether your reason for a private session is to enhance your group classes, work with your physical imbalances, reduce stress, improving your posture and flexibility, or rehabilitating from an injury it’s always a great excuse for a little ‘you time’. Go on, spoil yourself and feel good about it!
Get into a good habit by learning or even relearning the basics in a private specialised session.