Pilates and Lower Back Pain
The Pilates Method is an excellent form of exercise that will help you increase your strength and flexibility. It is also an excellent form of exercise that can help you through your injuries, pains and other niggles.
An extremely common pain we hear about in our studio is lower back pain.
Lower back pain can be caused by:
- Lifting a heavy object, or twisting the spine while lifting
- Sudden movements that place too much stress on the low back, such as a fall
- Poor posture over time
- Sports injuries, especially in sports that involve twisting or large forces of impact
Exercises performed in Pilates incorporates the stabilisation of the core muscles to increase flexibility, tone, muscle strength and endurance. The core muscles play an integral role in support your spine and taking pressure away from the areas that could be causing pain. Pilates is one of the only exercise methods that strengthens the overall movement of the body, by working muscle groups together. In doing so you can make your body move more efficiently, work more effectively, all without causing unnecessary pain and harm to your body.
“Never slouch as doing so compresses the lungs, overcrowds other vital organs, rounds the back, and throws you off balance.”
The Core Muscles
- The Multifidus is a network of small muscles that run close to the spine. It controls the movements of the spine.
- The Transverse Abdominis is a muscle that wraps itself around the body. Think of it like a corset.
- The Pelvic Floor is a group of muscles that crosses underneath the pelvis, supporting your bladder, intestines and uterus (in woman)
- The Diaphragm is the primary muscle used in the process of inspiration, or inhalation. It is a dome-shaped sheet of muscle that is inserted into the lower ribs.
With these muscles, trained properly and working together, your core is transformed into a strong cylinder which your entire body can operate around. These muscles need to continually work effectively and efficiently to keep the spine supported to prevent further injuries.
Benefits of Pilates
- Increases the strength of your spinal stabilizer muscles that directly takes the pressure off the lower back
- Improve the tone of your musculature
- Increase your abdominal "core" strength
- Work the body as a whole
- Act as a preventative from future lower back pain
- Move more efficiently, work more effectively, all without causing unnecessary pain and harm to your body.
“Contrology (The Pilates Method) develops the body uniformly, corrects wrong postures, restores physical vitality, invigorates the mind, and elevates the spirit”
Have lower back pain?
Book yourself into a private or semi-private Specialised Session today to start strengthening your core and to start taking action against future pain. Private sessions allow you to experience the Pilates Method and its exercises in a safe and controlled environment tailored around you and your body.
In your session we will explore what weaker areas of your body and train you with the proper technique and tools to strength and regain control of your core to support the spine and lower back.
- http://www.sportandspinalphysio.com.au/5-best-pilates-exercises-low-back-pain/
- http://www.sportandspinalphysio.com.au/top-3-reasons-pilates-can-fix-your-back-pain/
*The information provided is for general reference and is not mean't to be taken as a diagnosis. Please check with your health professional before taking on any extra exercise.